Archive for the ‘Women only!’ Category

Time Management Mum’s Guide to Credit Crunch Chic!

February 9, 2009

In our current economy, I like many others have been trying to be prudent, but I think I took it a bit far this evening!

I was getting the kids bathed for bed and whilst getting naked myself to shower and change, my husband commented on what I can only describe as a forest in the nether regions!  I told him that I’ve been economising by using the Veet hot wax from Boots – it costs just £7 a jar compared to a bikini wax which is about £6 for just one time, and I though he’d be pleased… he wasn’t impressed!

I can do my underarms ok with the home waxing kit – I just cannot inflict the pain ‘down there’ to myself!  So consequently the lower half looks untamed.  Oh the shame!  He said he’d give me the money to call Casey at Get Gorgeous and get booked in – tomorrow!  I had to laugh – bless him.  So I’m calling Casey tomorrow to get her to work her magic and once again I’ll be as neat and tidy as usual.  Isn’t it funny what they notice – you can have eyebrows growing down your face and they don’t see it but there?! haha